Promoting the acquisition and development of the Spanish Language.
the mission & vision:
Bilingual Citizens
of the World
All programs offered at our Center and partner sites are designed to live our mission— Promoting the acquisition and development of the Spanish language. Living in predominantly English speaking communities has afforded children and adults a wonderfully natural way to acquire and have access to the most spoken language in the world. We now have the opportunity and the capacity at our Center to acquire the Spanish language in the same natural way. If anything is possible, the Lehigh Valley will be home to a generation of bilingual, globalized citizens of the world!
Total Immersion
Yes! Our teachers communicate in Spanish 100% of the time we spend together. No worries, we are expert facilitators of second language! Our instructional methods are guided by Stephen Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Acquisition and Tracy Terrell’s Natural Approach. Teachers implement total immersion, meaning our programming (formal and informal lessons) is planned and conducted entirely in Spanish. At our Center, the Spanish language is the medium of communication from the moment a student walks in the door. Instruction of daily lessons, and communication in an immersion environment is effective because our trained teachers are able to deliver what we call comprehensible messages. Also known as comprehensible input, this component is at the heart of our methodology and it is achieved through careful selection of vocabulary, gestures, props, and various extralinguistic resources that aid in successfully communicating a message. Schedule your visit to see this in action!
Our Curriculum
Our role in the classroom is to be facilitators of play-based learning experiences in which students interact with content and participate in activities that are meaningful, productive, and responsive to their needs socially and emotionally. Our curriculum is designed to provide a fun, effective, standards-based preschool program. Through thematic units of study, we have developed a curriculum that is integrated, which means students participate in activities that incorporate multiple subject areas at once. The areas of exploration include dance, music, theater, literacy, math, art, science, technology, craft, and literature.
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Our Philosophy
We believe that all children love learning. Our role in the language classroom is to be facilitators; to help students interact with content and participate with planned activities in a way that is meaningful to them, productive in terms of their learning, and responsive to their needs socially and emotionally. Our learning atmosphere supports their growth intellectually and respects that the students are central to the environment; this means ensuring that students have a critical role in helping shape the organization of their learning. We understand the importance of helping students learn from their successes and failures, while supporting confidence and self-esteem.